Teen Ministry (The Lion’s Guard)

Welcome to The Lion’s Guard Teen Ministry at Great Commission Ministries! Under the guidance of Pastor Heidi McKenzie, our ministry aims to raise a generation of youth who live for the Lion of Judah and guard the Word of God and its truth against all odds.

Our Mission

Our mission is rooted in the verse Luke 11:28 – “Jesus commented, even more blessed are those who hear God’s Word and guard it with their lives.” We strive to empower teens in grades 6th through 12th to know Him, grow in Him, and show Him through their lives.

Service Times

We gather every Wednesday at 7pm in “The Lion’s Den” Youth Building for a time of praise, worship, Bible-based illustrated sermons, and lively activities that foster fun and fellowship.

Our Activities

Our ministry is packed with engaging activities that cater to the interests of our teens:

  • Arcade games
  • Pool tables
  • Air hockey
  • Full-size basketball court
  • Volleyball

…and much more! These activities provide a fun and conducive environment for building friendships and enjoying fellowship.

Praise and Worship

Our sessions are filled with energetic praise and intimate worship, allowing teens to express their love for God and experience His presence in a profound way.

Bible-Based Illustrated Sermons

We delve into the Word of God through illustrated sermons that resonate with the teens, helping them understand and apply biblical truths in their daily lives.

Community of Acceptance

At The Lion’s Guard, every teen is welcomed, loved, and accepted. We create a supportive environment that encourages teens to explore their faith, ask questions, and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

We are excited for your teens to join The Lion’s Guard and be part of a community where they can grow spiritually, build lasting friendships, and make a positive impact in the world.